Ravensburg "The city of towers and gates" is situated between Lake Constance and Allgaeu in a scenic landscape with a view of the Alps. In the past, the city was a major, medieval commercial centre. In the Middle Ages, it was an Imperial Free City and an important trading centre. The "Great Ravensburg Trading Society" (Große Ravensburger Handelsgesellschaft) owned shops and trading companies all over Europe. The historic town centre is still very much intact, including three town gates and over 10 towers of the medieval fortification. Today, with its 50,000 residents, it is the lively, economic hub of Upper Swabia in Southern Germany, capital of the district of Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg.
Learning to be a doctor
jueves, 2 de junio de 2011
Ravensburg "The city of towers and gates" is situated between Lake Constance and Allgaeu in a scenic landscape with a view of the Alps. In the past, the city was a major, medieval commercial centre. In the Middle Ages, it was an Imperial Free City and an important trading centre. The "Great Ravensburg Trading Society" (Große Ravensburger Handelsgesellschaft) owned shops and trading companies all over Europe. The historic town centre is still very much intact, including three town gates and over 10 towers of the medieval fortification. Today, with its 50,000 residents, it is the lively, economic hub of Upper Swabia in Southern Germany, capital of the district of Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg.
martes, 31 de mayo de 2011
Snowboarding is a sport that involves descending a
slope that is covered with snow on a snowboard attached to a
rider's feet using a special boot set onto mounted binding. The development of
snowboarding was inspired by skateboarding, sledding, surfing and skiing. It was developed in the U.S.A. in the 1960s and the 1970s and
became a Winter
Olympic Sport in 1998.
Lorenzo's oil
Lorenzo's Oil is a 1992 drama film directed
by George Miller. It is
based on a true story of Augusto and Michaela Odone, two parents in a relentless search for a cure for their son Lorenzo's adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). The film was nominated for two Academy Awards.
to find a doctor capable of treating their young son Lorenzo's rare disease, Augusto and Michaela Odone sought their own cure. They set
out on a mission to find a treatment to save their child. In their quest, the
Odones clashed with doctors, scientists, and support groups, who were skeptical
that anything could be done about ALD, much less by laypeople. But they
persisted, setting up camp in medical libraries, reviewing animal experiments,
badgering researchers, questioning top doctors all over the world, and even
organizing an international symposium about the disease.
Adrenoleucodistrofia (Enfermedad de Addison; ALD)
La ALD describe
algunos trastornos hereditarios estrechamente relacionados que interrumpen la
descomposición de ciertas grasas (ácidos grasos de cadena muy larga).
adrenoleucodistrofia se trasmite de padres a hijos como un rasgo genético ligado
al cromosoma X y, por lo tanto, afecta sobre todo a
los hombres, aunque algunas mujeres portadoras pueden tener formas más leves de
la enfermedad. Esta enfermedad afecta aproximadamente a 1 de cada 20.000
personas de todas las razas.
Innsbruck ist die Landeshauptstadt des Bundeslandes Tirol in Österreich. Sie liegt im Inntal an der Alpen-Transit-Strecke Brenner (Auto- und Eisenbahn) nach Südtirol (Italien). Der Name leitet sich von Inn und Brücke ab (Brücke über den Inn). Innsbruck ist mit 119.249 (Stand 1. Jänner 2010) Einwohnern nach Wien, Graz, Linz und Salzburg die fünftgrößte Stadt Österreichs, im Ballungsraum Innsbruck leben etwa 190.000 Menschen, dazu kommen etwa 30.000 Studenten und andere Nebenwohnsitzinhaber.
Die Stadt ist eingegrenzt von der Nordkette des Karwendelgebirges im Norden und von den Vorbergen der alpinen Zentralkette (Patscherkofel) im Süden. Westlich von Innsbruck (Kematen) wird das Inntal von der vorgelagerten Martinswand in ein westliches (Ober-) und ein östliches (Unterinntal) Tal getrennt.
Análisis de la huella plantar humana
Fotopodograma: prueba diagnóstica, en la
cual se obtiene una huella plantar permanente, la cual sirve para detectar cualquier
tipo de anomalía ortopédica o simplemente para clasificar el tipo de pie que
tiene cada persona.
La importancia de este tipo de prueba
radica en la necesidad de realizar una valoración del aparato locomotor para
detectar posibles anomalías que se deben tener presente.
lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011
Transfer Factor™ is a vital immune factor brought to us directly from Mother Nature. Every mother that breast feeds her infant passes on her immunity—all of the information her immune system has gained in her lifetime. This process begins with the first milk, called colostrum. The most valuable of the "immunity weapons" in colostrum are called transfer factors.
Through a special patented process licensed to 4Life Research™, concentrated transfer factors can now be extracted from cow colostrum. Our proprietary Transfer Factor™ product helps our bodies build up immunity to all the outside threats, which the cow has been exposed to in its lifetime.
Why should you use Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Plus?
Transfer Factor Plus increases your immune response by 437%. Transfer Factor Plus educates your immune system to recognize, respond, and remember threats to your body. Transfer Factors are designed to support your body functions to be more effective to combat threats. There is not another supplement on the market that can do this for your immune system. Yes, there are many very good supplements, however they only boost your system a fraction of the amount that the Transfer Factor products do, and they do not educate your immune system. Education is the main difference between the Transfer Factor from 4Life and any other supplement on the market.http://www.transferfactor-us.com/trfaar.html
Einsicht in die Zukunft
Die letzten Überlebenden der Menschheit wohnen in einer futuristischen Wohneinheit. Sie tragen weiße, eng anliegende Uniformen, silberne Identitätsarmbänder und werden rund um die Uhr überwacht. Ihr Leben ist von strengen Regeln bestimmt. Wenn sie nicht gehorchen und das schwarzgekleidete Aufsichtspersonal sie ermahnt, wirken die Bewohner dieser utopischen Welt wie kleinlaute Schüler, die beim Abschreiben erwischt wurden. Im Grunde genommen sind sie auch ein Haufen Eleven, die wenig von der Welt wissen und dennoch stillen Gefallen an ihrer wohlbehüteten Abgeschiedenheit haben.
Gattaca is a 1997 science fiction film written and directed by Andrew Niccol. It stars Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman and Jude Law with supporting roles played by Loren Dean, Ernest Borgnine, Gore Vidal and Alan Arkin.
The film presents a biopunk vision of a society driven by liberal eugenics where potential children are selected through preimplantation genetic diagnosis to ensure they possess the best hereditary traits of their parents.[1] A genetic registry database uses biometrics to instantly identify and classify those so created as "valids" while those conceived by traditional means are derisively known as "in-valids". While genetic discrimination is forbidden by law, in practice it is easy to profile a person's genotype resulting in the valids qualifying for professional employment while the in-valids (who are considered to be more susceptible to physical, intellectual and psychological dysfunction and under-performance) are relegated to menial jobs.
El tartamudo
Un tartamudo va a ver a un medico para librarse de su enfermedad:
- Ho-o-ol-a do-c-torr
- Si, señor,tome asiento, cuenteme, en que puedo ayudarlo?
- Qui-e-e-rro dd-ee-j-j-ar de s-er ta-ta-ta…
- Si señor, ya lo entiendo. Por favor,cuenteme como es un dia rutinario de su vida.
- Bu-eno, la ver-da-d que me le-van-to a la ma-ñana y ha-go el a-mor c-on mi mu-jer, al me-diod-ia con mi sec-ret-aria, a la tar-de c-con mi am-ante, y a la no-ch-e de nue-vo con mmi mmujjjer.
- Bueno señor, desvistase que lo voy a revisar…
- Pero,señor! Usted tiene tres testículos! Aqui esta su problema! Le voy a tener que operar y extraer el que esta de mas, con lo que su problema quedara solucionado definitivamente.
Varios dias despues el tipo vuelve al consultorio:
- Hola doctor! Mire: estoy curado! Mire que bien que hablo, que fluido! Pero no sabe como disminuyo mi vida sexual… Asi que quisiera que me devuelvame mi testículo!
- E-e-eso nno sser-a po-po-sibb-le
- Ho-o-ol-a do-c-torr
- Si, señor,tome asiento, cuenteme, en que puedo ayudarlo?
- Qui-e-e-rro dd-ee-j-j-ar de s-er ta-ta-ta…
- Si señor, ya lo entiendo. Por favor,cuenteme como es un dia rutinario de su vida.
- Bu-eno, la ver-da-d que me le-van-to a la ma-ñana y ha-go el a-mor c-on mi mu-jer, al me-diod-ia con mi sec-ret-aria, a la tar-de c-con mi am-ante, y a la no-ch-e de nue-vo con mmi mmujjjer.
- Bueno señor, desvistase que lo voy a revisar…
- Pero,señor! Usted tiene tres testículos! Aqui esta su problema! Le voy a tener que operar y extraer el que esta de mas, con lo que su problema quedara solucionado definitivamente.
Varios dias despues el tipo vuelve al consultorio:
- Hola doctor! Mire: estoy curado! Mire que bien que hablo, que fluido! Pero no sabe como disminuyo mi vida sexual… Asi que quisiera que me devuelvame mi testículo!
- E-e-eso nno sser-a po-po-sibb-le
Un Genograma o Familiograma es un árbol genealógico que registra información sobre los miembros de una familia y sus relaciones, muestra de una forma rápido la estructura de una familia, las relaciones entre sus miembros y unos patrones complejos, de dónde se pueden sacar por ejemplo hipótesis de cómo un problema clínico puede estar relacionado con estos vínculos familiares y su evolución del problema en el tiempo.
Con el Genograma
se puede estudiar también la historia de la familia y hasta descubrir
enfermedades hereditarias a partir de éste.
Al hacer un Genograma
hay que tener presente a que familia se le va a hacer y por lo tanto cuales son
los vínculos sanguíneos, quienes deberían ir y quiénes no. Lo principal es la
descripción gráfica de como los diferentes miembros de la familia están
biológica y legalmente relacionados entre sí de una generación a la siguiente.
domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011
Las vitaminas (del latín vita (vida) y con el sufijo
latino ina "sustancia") son sustancias químicas heterogéneas no
sintetizables por el organismo, Solo la Vitamina D es producida por el organismo, esta se
puede formar en la piel con la exposición al sol, y las vitaminas K, B1, B12
y ácido fólico, se forman en pequeñas
cantidades en la flora intestinal, el resto se obtiene a través de los alimentos en pequeñas cantidades y son indispensables para la vida,
la salud, la actividad física cotidiana,
crecimiento, el metabolismo y el buen funcionamiento del cuerpo, que al ingerirlos de forma equilibrada y en dosis
esenciales promueven el correcto funcionamiento fisiológico. Las vitaminas son nutrientes que junto a otros elementos nutricionales actúan
como catalizadoras de todos los procesos fisiológicos (directa e indirectamente), no producen energía y por tanto no implican calorías.
Intervienen como catalizador en las reacciones bioquímicas provocando la
liberación de energía. En otras palabras, la función de las vitaminas es la de
facilitar la transformación que siguen los sustratos a través de las vías
domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011
Amino Acids
The chemical subunits of polypeptides and proteins, and therefore one of the fundamental building blocks of life as we know it. An amino acid consists of a central carbon atom attached to a carboxyl group (–COOH), an amino group (–NH2), a hydrogen atom, and a side group (–R), giving the general formula R-CH-NH2-COOH. Only the side group differs from one amino acid to another; R may be a hydrogen or an organic group and determines the properties of a particular amino acid.
The lipids are a large and diverse group
of naturally occurring organic compounds that are related by their solubility
in nonpolar organic solvents (e.g. ether, chloroform, acetone & benzene)
and general insolubility in water. There is great structural variety among the
lipids, as will be demonstrated in the following sections.
The common feature of these lipids is that they are all esters of moderate to long chain fatty acids. Acid or base-catalyzed hydrolysis yields the component fatty acid, some examples of which are given in the following table, together with the alcohol component of the lipid. These long-chain carboxylic acids are generally referred to by their common names, which in most cases reflect their sources. Natural fatty acids may be saturated or unsaturated, and as the following data indicate, the saturated acids have higher melting points than unsaturated acids of corresponding size. The double bonds in the unsaturated compounds listed on the right are all cis (or Z).
The common feature of these lipids is that they are all esters of moderate to long chain fatty acids. Acid or base-catalyzed hydrolysis yields the component fatty acid, some examples of which are given in the following table, together with the alcohol component of the lipid. These long-chain carboxylic acids are generally referred to by their common names, which in most cases reflect their sources. Natural fatty acids may be saturated or unsaturated, and as the following data indicate, the saturated acids have higher melting points than unsaturated acids of corresponding size. The double bonds in the unsaturated compounds listed on the right are all cis (or Z).
miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011
Alternative Names
lunes, 25 de abril de 2011
Seven Pounds
Seven Pounds is a 2008 film, directed by Gabriele Muccino. Will Smith stars as a man who sets out to change the lives of seven people. The film was released in theaters in the United States and Canada on December 19, 2008, by Columbia Pictures.
Tim Thomas (Will Smith), reading a text message while driving, causes a car crash in which seven people died: six strangers and his fiancee, Sarah Jenson (Robinne Lee).
In a bid for redemption, Tim sets out to save the lives of seven good people.
Die Zelle
lateinisch cellula = kleine Kammer, Zelle
- ist der Grundbaustein des menschlichen Körpers, sowie aller Tiere
und Pflanzen
- ist die kleinste selbstständige lebende Einheit
- sie tritt als Einzeller & Mehrzeller auf
- sie besitzt i.d.R. ein einheitliches Grundmuster
- Zellen haben allerdings
unterschiedliche Aufgaben
- die innerhalb eines Organismus erbrachten Leistungen jeder Zelle
beruhen auf einer speziellen genetischen Information
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